Thursday, March 5, 2009

Entering Hyperspace!

Hidy-ho little blog! I have a full update on my old MySpace blog, but this is new & I'm starting fresh. Something that I used to do in my MySpace blog was a "Some Things" list of random observations, rules, theses, etc. I haven't even blogged in 3 months, much less produced a Some Things list in quite some time. What better way to start a new non-MySpace blog than with my favorite mode of blogging: Some Things...

1. Don't assume that people aren't working just because they don't look busy. Chances are, if you walk into a bank, errrrrr I mean business, & say, "Do ya'll ever work? Hyuck hyuck!" or some variation thereof, you may not receive optimal customer service.

2. The Silver Diner in Laurel, MD has the best blueberry pancakes you will ever devour.

3. Botany is not merely the study of plants; it takes perversion to an artform. Take tree core samples with an imaginative bunch of people and you'll know what I'm talking about.

4. Cab driver's name, cab company, cab number: know these when you take one.

5. Good things really are worth waiting for. Yep.

6. 14 children = 1 good argument for a fascist government, which would step in & have the mother spayed so taxpayers (who are scraping by as it is) won't have the burden of supporting said 14 children while the mother is hunting endorsements & book deals.

7. Consolation prizes seem nice when you have them, but when you get what you wanted all along, you know how lucky you are that the consolation prize went the way of the dodo.

8. Why do toothache medicines get funky after a couple of weeks? Yes, I realize this is a question because I've never figured it out.

9. The WTF (World Travel Fund) is still accepting donations.

10. Don't knock someone for being 28, unmarried & childless. It only makes my life sound better & you sound bitter that you saddled yourself at a young age.

11. Forestry Centers are better classrooms than any drab college building anyday.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. However, there were two points that I particularly favored:

    "1. Don't assume that people aren't working just because they don't look busy. Chances are, if you walk into a bank, errrrrr I mean business, & say, "Do ya'll ever work? Hyuck hyuck!" or some variation thereof, you may not receive optimal customer service."

    Hell yeah!!!! I'm glad someone said it. That drives me NUTS and make the person who said it an instant enemy for the moment or until they say something to redeem themselves.

    "10. Don't knock someone for being 28, unmarried & childless. It only makes my life sound better & you sound bitter that you saddled yourself at a young age."

    Again, glad someone said it! I don't think I've ever heard that any better put. Those people are annoying and hypocrites.
